Food ordering and corporate catering made easy

Lazymeal was a made-in-Vancouver online food ordering and delivery service that served individuals and businesses from 2009 until 2022.

When this startup was first launched, I was invited— along with my partner at the time, a web developer—to join the founding team.

I served as the Creative Director, and had the pleasure of working on countless projects, from the customer-facing website, the internal admin console, design for the mobile app, the restaurant interface, email marketing, social media, and much, much more. Scroll down to check it out.

Designed & Built with

The Lazymeal website home page.

Logo and branding

The Lazymeal logo is a customized logotype based on TeX Gyre Adventor.

If you look closely, you'll notice a spoon shape within the negative space of the Happy E icon.

Chief Technical Officer, Ryan, wears an insulated delivery bag emblazoned with the Lazymeal logo, while doing bike deliveries. This provided invaluable first-hand feedback to help improve the user experience for, restaurants, customers, and food couriers.

Logo stickers of various sizes were affixed to the doors and windows of hundreds of restaurants around Greater Vancouver.

Touchpoints map

One design innovation I was most proud of while working at Lazymeal was the development of the Touchpoints Map.

I made use of Affinity Designer's massive canvas size to build a document that allowed us to quickly view and edit every single item that any user came in contact with—from individual customers to corporate users, restaurants, and the internal team—and see how each screen or component connected to the system as whole.

Website elements

Early on in the project, the Lazymeal team chose to differentiate our service from the competition by featuring as much food photography as possible. To do this, we hired photographers to visit restaurants that didn't already have their own images, when onboarding them onto the system.

An early version of the restaurant list displayed four photos for each vendor. Coloured tags above indicated the restaurant's details.

The design was adjusted later to a more compressed layout. Changing from four images for each restaurant to one allowed the user to see more options with less scrolling.

The header and navigation was also greatly simplified for a much more clean appearance.

A restaurant's full menu, photographed items at the top.

An individual food item with the custom order options.

The food item screen at tablet and mobile break points.

This line illustration was featured in the footer of the website and emails. It was an effective way to tell the food delivery story and inject some fun and personality into the user experience.

Automated and marketing emails

The template for an automatically generated order confirmation email sent to the customer.

An email sent to customers on May 4th—Star Wars day, featuring a custom illustrated Happy E Yoda character.